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The world has become as if its cities are contiguous, with no borders between them, and even changed huge differences such as languages and cultures. For example, they have become food cultures that move from the east to the far west of the earth, and therefore the experience had to be transferred from theory to a material experience that required the world to be in between the two extremes become one market.

And by virtue of the specialization and permanent development in our profession and that it is one of our sustainable habits, the compass has shifted towards e-marketing and e-commerce .. If we seek excellence, we must keep pace with the digital transformation that the world has reached.

Given the experience and commitment that distinguishes us, the transition was easier. We only needed a few tools to ensure access to our own experience, after that, methodological and strategic standards were developed for it to ensure the success of all parties in general, and our success in particular. The completion of the picture with successes gives the most beautiful reflection on the Saudi market and that it is one of the data of Vision 2030 .. due to its reliance on digital transformation as its central point.

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